Diverse Neighborhoods in Mobile, Alabama
Mobile, Alabama has lots of different neighborhoods like cool ones, fancy ones, and places where students like to live. But not all areas are equally safe. Some neighborhoods are more dangerous than others. A study of RoadSnacks looked at 135 neighborhoods to figure out which ones have more safety issues. Hannon Park is much safer than the rest. This study helps us see where improvements are needed to make Mobile safer for everyone.
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Mobile, Alabama 10 High Risk Neighborhoods
Summerville another Mobile neighborhood faces safety worries with a population of 387. It experiences a high violent crime rate of 1,019 incidents per 100,000 people and notably high property crime rate of 7,639 incidents per 100,000 people, sparking unease among residents.
Argyle home to 676 people struggles with safety despite relatively higher incomes. With a violent crime rate of 840 incidents per 100,000 people and a significant property crime rate of 6,299 incidents per 100,000 people, the neighborhood requires attention from authorities and community leaders.
Fire Tower
Fire Tower with 426 residents experiences moderate crime rates compared to other neighborhoods. Its violent crime rate is 807 incidents per 100,000 people, and property crime rate stands at 6,050 incidents per 100,000 people urging residents to remain vigilant.
In Plateau with only 68 residents safety concerns are rising. The neighborhood reports a high violent crime rate of 984 incidents per 100,000 people and alarming property crime rate of 7,375 incidents per 100,000 people prompting residents to call for action.
Despite moderate crime rates in Beverly home to 832 people remains vigilant. With a violent crime rate of 659 incidents per 100,000 people and property crime rate of 6,172 incidents per 100,000 people residents are proactive in safeguarding their community.
Maryvale housing 2,832 residents faces safety challenges compounded by economic hardships. It reports a high violent crime rate of 2,521 incidents per 100,000 people and property crime rate of 5,162 incidents per 100,000 people, emphasizing the need for comprehensive support.
In Baltimore home to 2,535 residents, safety advocacy is strong. The neighborhood reports a violent crime rate of 939 incidents per 100,000 people and staggering property crime rate of 10,545 incidents per 100,000 people, prompting unified efforts to enhance safety.
Fisher with 1,233 residents mobilizes against crime. It reports a violent crime rate of 997 incidents per 100,000 people and property crime rate of 7,474 incidents per 100,000 people driving residents to address root causes proactively.
Grove Hill
Grove Hill home to 496 residents seeks collaborative safety solutions. It reports a moderate violent crime rate of 791 incidents per 100,000 people and property crime rate of 5,929 incidents per 100,000 people emphasizing community-driven efforts for crime prevention.