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All posts tagged "Game"


TODAY’S WORD — RAPTORIAL RAPTORIAL: rap-TOR-ee-ul: Of, relating to or being a bird of prey. Average mark 41 words Time limit 60 minutes Can...


TODAY’S WORD — CASHIER CASHIER: kah-SHEER: One who collects and records payments. Average mark 38 words Time limit 50 minutes Can you find 47...


TODAY’S WORD — SCAPULAR SCAPULAR: SKAP-yoo-lur: A band of cloth worn as part of a monastic habit. Average mark 21 words Time limit 40...


TODAY’S WORD — LUBRICIOUS LUBRICIOUS: loo-BRISH-us: Salacious; lecherous. Average mark 25 words Time limit 40 minutes Can you find 35 or more words in...


TODAY’S WORD — GLOBULIN GLOBULIN: GLOB-yoo-lin: A simple protein occurring widely in plant and animal tissues. Average mark 19 words Time limit 30 minutes...


TODAY’S WORD — NOISOME NOISOME: NOY-sum: Offensive to the sense, especially the sense of smell. Average mark 12 words Time limit 25 minutes Can...

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