The final moments of a Ukrainian soldier have captured global attention for their humanity amid the brutality of war. Dmytro Maslovsky, known as “Cobra,”...
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The final moments of a Ukrainian soldier have captured global attention for their humanity amid the brutality of war. Dmytro Maslovsky, known as “Cobra,”...
A mysterious night in Georgia In 1969, in the small town of Leary, Georgia, future president Jimmy Carter had an experience that would shape...
WPBN: An encounter between a raccoon and an infant that took place earlier this week in Cassia County, Idaho, was both unique and worrisome....
Mysterious Drone Encounters Near Military Facility Spark Nationwide Intrigue A drone pilot from New Jersey has reported that his device lost power and had...
Left: Daren Abbey (Montana Department of Corrections). Right: Dustin Kjersem (Gallatin Sheriff’s Office). Cops arrested a 41-year-old man for murdering a random victim who...
“I’m good.” — Alameda City Council member Trish Herrera Spencer, in police body camera video made public last week, to Long Beach first responders...
SAN JOSE — A man who police say threatened a family with a gun in the aftermath of a South San Jose car crash...