If you are Struggling To Get To Sleep, you’re likely to have a wide range of problems, including poor energy, depression, and even digestive problems. Additionally, new research found that women who are Struggling To Get To Sleep may also be more susceptible to hypertension, or high blood pressure.
The reason behind Struggling To Get To Sleep
Researchers wanted to see if there was a link between sleep and hypertension for this study.
The amount of sleep each participant got as well as any sleeping issues, such as trouble falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night, were all tracked by the researchers during the study.
It would seem that there is a connection between sleep and hypertension to the study’s conclusion. In particular, the women who reported Struggling To Get To Sleep were also more likely to have hypertension. These women also had lower levels of physical activity, poorer diets, and higher BMIs.
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Struggling To Get To Sleep Remedies
Regular exercise is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure and preparing the body and brain for deep sleep, according to research.
And of course, to make sure you’re getting the most out of your nightly snooze, you might want to think about trying a high-quality sleep supplement with components like magnesium and PharmaGABA that have been shown in studies to help people fall asleep more quickly and remain asleep longer.