For those who aren’t hip to technical jargon, “OBD” translates to “On-board diagnostics,” and the “2” indicates the second generation. It’s a computer that’s connected to all systems in a car that stores and reports trouble codes to help technicians figure out what’s malfunctioning when a car isn’t running correctly.
There’s a long history of OBD systems and their workings, but the most important bit is this: in 1996, an OBD2 system became standard equipment on all vehicles sold in the US. So, every single car on the road has one.
They’re fantastic aids at the repair shop, or in a driveway for those who fix their cars. However, thieves in Houston, Texas found a sinister way to utilize an incredibly helpful system. With a device they plug into the OBD2 port, they’re able to start and drive cars without keys.
Police say thieves are buying expensive devices to make stealing easy
Sgt. Tracy Hicks with Houston Auto Theft Crimes Task Force explained how thieves can drive away any car newer than 1996 in just a few minutes.
“The way they’re doing that is getting access to your vehicle by the door lock or smashing a window,” he told KHOU. “They’re talking to the brain of the computer, the actual brain of the computer of the truck that makes it run, and with access to that, the device they’re using, they’re not real cheap, they’re expensive, so there are not a lot of them out there, but the crooks that have them, they work on all cars.”
Hicks said the scarcity of the device makes it difficult to tell how many cars have been stolen with it. However, drivers need to know there are ways to prevent their cars from being stolen.
A $30 part can block OBD2 access for thieves
Thankfully, Hicks said OBD2 locks are fairly affordable and easy to install – even for those who don’t have any previous mechanical experience.
Prices on Amazon range from $27.99 to $50 and the device can be locked with a key, a passcode, or even a cell phone. But a few minutes of installation can prevent someone from stealing your car with the OBD2 device.
Viewers offered more free advice
Many viewers agreed that a lock for the OBD2 system was wise, though others thought of other ways to protect their cars.
“Just put a kill switch on your starter relay,” they wrote. “When you get out, turn off the switch, and it’ll deactivate access to the start relay and motor. Hide the switch so only you know where it is.”
Someone else was concerned those with bad intentions may take this warning the wrong way.
“Now that it’s on YouTube, every thief is going to order one of two of them,” their comment read.
Others noted that a lock won’t detour someone who’s truly motivated.
“If they’re really determined, there is nothing that prevents someone from tapping into the signal wires behind the OBD port,” they wrote. “So, what are you doing to protect the wires?”