Law&Crime Productions announces the premiere of its newest original documentary, “On Trial: Young Thug,” created for Tubi, Fox’s ad-supported streaming service. The documentary — executive produced by Law&Crime founder Dan Abrams, president Rachel Stockman and the award-winning production team of Rhonda Schwartz and Brian Ross — follows the wild courtroom drama of rapper Jeffery Lamar Williams (aka Young Thug) whom prosecutors accused of being the leader of a murderous street gang, playing his own song lyrics as evidence against him in the courtroom.
Young Thug rose to fame with his unique vocal style and chart-topping hits, including collaborations with stars like Post Malone, Drake and Camila Cabello. In 2022, Young Thug was arrested on a sprawling racketeering indictment spearheaded by Fulton County DA Fani Willis, which many have since criticized as a legal overreach. Young Thug took a guilty plea in October but was released on probation, wrapping up the longest-running trial in Georgia’s history made even more controversial by the prosecution’s use of the defendant’s lyrics and music videos as evidence against him.
“On Trial: Young Thug” features exclusive, never-before-seen footage of Young Thug’s video calls from prison, as well as the first in-depth interview with defense attorney Keith Adams. Not only does it cover Young Thug’s history-making trial, but it also explores the viral #FreeJeffery movement that took the internet by storm, through additional interviews with prosecutors, investigators and experts intimately close to the music industry.
Law&Crime Senior Producers are Samantha Kelly and Jennifer Tintner. Video Editors are Danny Hilton and Mark Cretcher.
About Law&Crime Network
Law&Crime is the leading platform for legal and true crime content, offering a wide range of programming including live trials, legal commentary and analysis, law enforcement-related footage, and documentary-style crime stories. Its revered network of lawyers, former prosecutors, and law enforcement officials provides unprecedented access to key sources as well as unique insight into the nation’s highest-profile and newsworthy cases. Created by award-winning ABC News Chief Legal Correspondent Dan Abrams, the network reaches a massive, multi-platform audience across digital, cable, and social, with its YouTube channel alone boasting well over 5 million subscribers and 3 billion video views. Law&Crime prides itself on upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity, offering fact-based storytelling that reflects its profound, unmatched expertise in the legal and criminal justice world.
Law&Crime joined the Jellysmack portfolio of brands in 2023 and is available on basic cable packages and leading streaming services including YouTube TV, Peacock, Xfinity, Verizon and Samsung TV Plus, among many others.