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New Year, New Rules: Maryland’s Top Laws Taking Effect in 2025

WPBN: In Maryland, the new year will bring about a number of new developments. A few of the new laws that will go into effect on January 1, 2024 are going to be broken down into the following categories.

Act for the Protection of Road Workers in Maryland

The Maryland Road Worker Protection Act, which was signed into law in April, strengthens the penalties for traffic infractions that occur in work zones and increases the number of speed cameras that can be used in traffic zones.

On March 22, 2023, an automobile traveling at more than 100 miles per hour slammed into a construction zone on Interstate 695 in Baltimore County, resulting in the deaths of six road workers. This occurrence served as the impetus for the creation of the law.

In the aftermath of the collision that led to the passage of this legislation, Lieutenant Governor Aruna Miller presided over a work zone safety work group.

Increases in fines for speed camera violations in work zones went from $40 to $80 in the month of June.

Requirements for obtaining a security guard license

Beginning January 1, individuals or businesses in the state of Maryland that hire one or more workers for the purpose of providing security services or loss prevention will be required to get a license for such employees to work as security guards.

In addition, employers who have recently been authorized as security guards are required to register with the Maryland State Police Licensing Division online and provide evidence that they are insured.

An totally electronic application submission and fee collecting mechanism will take the place of the paper-based Professional License applications that are now in use. According to the MSP, payment will not be accepted in the form of cheques or money orders.

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Adults who require hearing aids

Under the provisions of House Bill 1339, health maintenance organizations, nonprofit health service plans, and insurance companies are required to offer coverage for hearing aids.

In accordance with the law, the benefits may be restricted to a maximum of $1,400 per hearing aid for each hearing-impaired ear every 36 months.

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Opioid Overdose and Emergency Emergencies Related to Opioids

Hospitals are required to adhere to a particular protocol when treating opioid-related emergencies, as mandated by House Bill 1155 and Senate Bill 1071.

In addition, hospitals are required to implement standard procedures for the screening and diagnosis of opioid emergencies as part of the mandates.

In addition, the rules would mandate that hospitals must, prior to discharging patients who have been treated for opioid emergency, send such patients to physicians who may offer them with additional treatment.

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Providing coverage for orthoses and prostheses

House Bill 865, commonly referred to as the “So Every Body Can Move Act,” mandates that Medicaid in the state of Maryland to begin providing coverage for orthoses and prostheses, as well as replacement prostheses, beginning on January 1, 2025.

As a further provision, it forbids insurance companies from demanding increased co-payments for the coverage of orthoses and prostheses.

Act to reduce the use of plastic bags in Annapolis

The Plastic Bag Reduction Act will go into effect in Annapolis on January 22. The City of Annapolis is the location where the act will be implemented.

With the passage of the Act in July, retail companies are prohibited from providing customers with plastic bags at the checkout counter. It also mandates that merchants charge ten cents for paper bags, with the retailers keeping the money they make from the sale of the bags.


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