Could Mars, a planet that once hosted rivers and oceans, still sustain life beneath its arid surface? A team of scientists led by Andrea Butturini from the University of Barcelona believes the answer might be yes. Their groundbreaking study points to Acidalia Planitia, a vast ancient plain in Mars’ northern hemisphere, as a potential refuge for methanogens—microorganisms capable of producing methane—deep beneath the surface.
Pinpointing a potential habitat
Drawing on data from multiple Mars missions, researchers identified a subsurface zone between 4.3 and 8.8 kilometers (2.7–5.5 miles) deep where microbial life could theoretically survive. Shielded from Mars’ harsh surface conditions, this environment may retain remnants of ancient water and geothermal heat—two essential ingredients for sustaining life. “[It is] a promising target area for future missions in the search for extant life in Mars’ subsurface,” the researchers noted.
Acidalia Planitia, a plain stretching over 3,000 kilometers (1,864 miles), was highlighted for its unique subsurface conditions. Methanogens—extremophiles that thrive in environments devoid of oxygen—could potentially survive here. On Earth, these organisms inhabit extreme environments such as swamps, decaying organic matter, and even the guts of herbivores, relying on minimal nutrients and tolerating high radiation and salinity.
Mars’ subsurface: A haven for extremophiles?
Beneath the frozen Martian crust, conditions improve significantly. The radioactive decay of elements such as thorium generates heat and chemical energy, while water remnants from ancient oceans remain buried underground. Researchers suggest that at depths up to five miles, temperatures could range from 32 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit (0–10 degrees Celsius), allowing for the possibility of liquid water mixed with Martian soil.
Biogeochemist Andrea Butturini and his team used Mars orbiter data to identify regions with high thorium concentrations and subsurface ice, combining this with geological data from missions like China’s Zhurong Rover.
Southern Acidalia Planitia emerged as the most promising region, with signs of groundwater activity and deposits of clay and carbonates—key indicators of potential habitability.
The challenge of drilling deep
While exciting, these findings present logistical challenges. Accessing the subsurface zone would require drilling miles below Mars’ surface—well beyond the capabilities of current technology. Even the European Space Agency’s Rosalind Franklin rover, scheduled to launch in 2028, will only be equipped to drill about seven feet (2 meters) into the surface.
Methane and the search for life
The study, published on the server arXiv, also ties into the ongoing mystery of methane detected in Mars’ atmosphere. While methane could have geological origins, its presence raises the tantalizing possibility of biological activity.
Confirming methanogens in Acidalia Planitia could not only prove the existence of Martian life but also suggest that the methane detected on Mars has a biological origin.
“The subsurface of the southern Acidalia Planitia is a putative target region for hosting cold-adapted Methanosarcinaceae-like and/or Methanomicrobiaceae-like methanogens,” the study explains, emphasizing the presence of radiogenic heat and likely subsurface water in the area.
Future prospects
Although the findings have yet to undergo peer review, they offer a clear focus for future Mars missions. If validated, this research could mark a significant breakthrough in the quest to answer one of humanity’s most profound questions: Are we alone in the universe?
For now, Acidalia Planitia stands as a beacon for exploration, promising insights into the possibility of life on Mars and reigniting hope for discovering extraterrestrial life within our solar system.