OAKLAND — Prosecutors here have struck a plea deal with a man who shot and killed his ex-girlfriend’s friend in 2021, allegedly over jealousy and racial animus, court records show.
Earl Godhigh, 47, pleaded no contest to voluntary manslaughter in the Aug. 23, 2021 death of 40-year-old Francisco Figueroa. In exchange for his plea, Godhigh will be sentenced to 16 years in state prison and prosecutors dropped a murder charge against him, records show.
Figueroa was shot and killed on the 2200 block of East 22nd Street in Oakland. Godhigh’s ex-girlfriend later helped police establish a motive, telling investigators that he was “abusive” and jealous of Figueroa over his perception they had become too close.
Figueora did not live in the area but was known to frequent the apartment complex adjacent to where he was killed, police said at the time.
In the days leading up to the homicide, Godhigh allegedly texted his ex-girlfriend that he was lurking around “to make sure no Mexican” was in the area and used at least one racial slur to refer to Latinos. He also texted that he was “Mexican hunting” and that he would start “posting up hear (sic) every night all night” in search of Figueroa, who was Latino.
Despite the racist comments, prosecutors declined to charge Godhigh with a hate crime when he was arrested in 2021, or after his 2023 preliminary hearing, court records show. Nor was he charged with lying in wait, despite his apparent admission to “lurking” in the area in search of Figueroa.
After shooting Figueroa, Godhigh allegedly said, “that’s what you get for messing with me,” an eyewitness allegedly told police. Hours later, his ex-girlfriend warned him in a text message that police were looking for him, authorities said.
“He told (police),” Godhigh allegedly texted the woman, apparently unaware that Figueroa was dead.
“He died,” she allegedly texted back, according to court records.
“Lord have mercy,” Godhigh allegedly replied, before adding, “I love you very much.”
Godhigh has prior convictions for gun possession in 2017 and an assault with a firearm conviction from 1996, according to court records. He remains at Santa Rita Jail in Dublin and is set to be formally sentenced on Nov. 20.
Godhigh was arrested within 48 hours of the homicide. He will receive credit for the three years he spent behind bars before the plea deal was finalized, according to court records.