Incumbent Kitty Moore had a tight lead over several Cupertino City Council candidates to secure her spot on the council, while Rod Sinks and Ray Wang were neck-to-neck for a chance to take the second open seat, Tuesday results showed.
Moore leads with 24% of votes as of 11:15 p.m. Tuesday, while Sinks and Wang are tied with 18%. The triad are competing against Councilmember Hung Wei, former mayors Gilbert Wong and Barry Chang and political newcomer Claudio Bono.
Moore and Wang closely supported each other during the campaign period. They ran on a joint platform aimed at promoting fiscal accountability and transparency of tax payer dollars and encouraging city leaders to consider the environmental and public safety concerns of large development projects.
Moore calls herself a “smart watch dog” when it comes to dealing with council affairs and is known by resident for voicing her concerns about large-scale projects, including The Rise.
The mixed-use housing project, will include shops, offices and more than 2,000 residential spaces. The project was green-lit by the council earlier this year and will be built on the demolished Vallco mall at the corner of North Wolfe Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard near Interstate 280.