Election Day 2024 started early Tuesday with winds of change beckoning, steady streams of election voters streaming into polling places, and an urgency for individuals to express the need for each of their voices to be heard.
It also came with a side dish of realism that the consequences from the outcomes of the Presidential election between former President Donald. J. Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris could be enormous for everyone, as could the consequences for Californians from decisions on that ballot.
There is finally an update on 4th stimulus check for Social Security Recipients! Individuals who receive Social Security benefits can expect to receive a...
The attack using 14 military choppers that Russian President Vladimir Putin planned was destroyed by Ukraine using US-supplied long-range tactical missiles. Russian President Vladimir...
The Biden administration has announced recently that it plans to increase the monthly payments of seniors and veterans to $2,000. $2,000 in Monthly Payments...
In Texas, this September the SNAP payments will end, worth up to $1,691, on Friday. The household income determines eligibility. A single-person household must earn more than...