Clockwise: Brenda Chilton, William Mahoney, Shelby Turocy, Tammy Simmons and Cody Johnson (Carrolton County Detention Center).
Police in Kentucky found a toddler boy locked in a cage inside a home leading to the arrests of five people.
The Carrolton Police Department responded to a home in the 700 block of 7th Street for a possible child abuse case, the agency said in a Facebook post. Officers were “working from a prior tip from the community” of a child possibly “being held in a caged area.” When officers arrived they found a boy under the age of 3 naked and behind a “wooden and metal enclosure that was secured with a padlock.”
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Cops obtained a warrant to search the home further and removed two children, placing them under the care of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Five people were arrested on charges of first-degree child abuse and wanton endangerment. The suspects are Brenda Chilton, 71, William Mahoney, 72, Codey Johnson, 29, Tammy Simmons, 52, Carrolton, and Shelby Turocy, 28, of Ghent. Turocy faces additional charges of possession of methamphetamine, drug paraphernalia and marijuana.