SSA’s $1.1 Billion Improper Payment Crisis: What’s Causing the Delays?
Government-Wide Improper Payments Reach Record High: $236 Billion in FY2023
According to JusttheNews, A staggering $1.1 billion in improper payments is expected to be made by the Social Security Administration in the fiscal year 2024, according to a new report from the Office of the Inspector General. The agency’s backlog of open cases has reached a record-breaking 5.2 million, leaving many individuals waiting for a resolution for an average of 698 days.
Improper payments occur when funds are distributed to the wrong recipient, or when the recipient receives the incorrect amount of funds. In FY2023, government-wide improper payments reached a staggering $236 billion, with Medicare and Medicaid accounting for the largest share. The Social Security Administration’s own improper payments have become a significant issue, with the agency struggling to keep up with the growing demand.
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Social Security in Crisis: $1.1 Billion in Improper Payments, 5.2 Million Backlog Cases, and a Growing Demand for Financial Assistance (PHOTO: GOOGLE)
Social Security Backlog Crisis: Urgent Action Needed to Prevent Wasted Taxpayer Dollars and Denial of Financial Assistance
The sheer scale of the problem is a cause for concern, as it not only wastes taxpayer dollars but also leaves individuals and families struggling to access the financial assistance they need. The Social Security Administration must take immediate action to address the backlog and improve its processing times to prevent further losses.
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