The VA disability claim process involves five stages: acknowledging receipt, initial review, gathering and reviewing evidence, preparing the decision letter, and finalizing the decision, with the entire process taking an average of 151 days.
Understanding the 5 Stages of the VA Disability Claim Process
According to Marca, the VA disability claim process unfolds in five key stages, each crucial for determining the final outcome of your claim. First, after submitting your claim, whether online or by mail, the VA acknowledges receipt. If you filed online, you’ll get immediate confirmation on-screen. If mailed, you should receive a notification letter within a week or so.
Next, the VA conducts an initial review to ensure all essential details, like your medical records and personal information, are in order. If anything is missing, the VA will contact you for additional information. Following this, the VA moves into a detailed phase where it gathers and reviews all necessary evidence. This includes reviewing medical records and, if needed, asking for further information or an additional exam. Based on this review, the VA will determine your disability rating.
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Final Steps in VA Disability Claims: Decision Letter and Senior Review Process
Finally, once the evidence review is complete, the VA prepares and sends a decision letter outlining your disability rate and payment details if you’re eligible. A senior reviewer makes a final assessment before the decision letter is finalized and mailed to you, which should arrive within about ten business days.