Gas prices saw a slight decline over the weekend across the U.S., with the average price for regular gasoline at $3.521 per gallon on Monday.
Gas Prices Drop Slightly Across the U.S. – Varying from $3.005 to $4.753 per Gallon
According to the report of the Washington Examiner, over the weekend, drivers nationwide witnessed a minor decline in gas prices, providing them with some relief after the consistent increases seen the previous week. As of Monday, the average cost for a gallon of regular gas was $3.521, slightly lower than Sunday’s price of $3.522 but higher than it was a month ago at $3.452.
In different states, the prices varied a lot. Mississippi had the cheapest gas at $3.005 per gallon, while California had the most expensive at $4.753. In Washington, D.C., the average was $3.709 per gallon on Monday, a bit higher than the day before.
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$3.521 Average Gas Price: Relief in Sight as Prices Dip – But Regional Disparities Remains! (PHOTO: Business Inquirer –
Gas Price Fluctuations in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Hawaii, and Alaska Impact Travel Budgets
In places like Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Hawaii, and Alaska, prices were also up or down slightly from the day before. Hawaii and Alaska had some of the highest prices in the country, with Hawaii at $4.687 per gallon and Alaska at $3.85. Keeping an eye on these changes helps drivers plan and budget for their travels.