Father Identified as Suspect in Horrific Belt Lasso Sexual Attack on Woman
Alleged Sexual Attack by Loving Father Sends Shockwaves
According to the Daily Mail, the brutal sexual attack on a 45-year-old woman where she was lassoed around the neck with a belt before being sexually assaulted is a horrific and unacceptable act of violence. It is indeed shocking to learn that Parks, a 39-year-old father has been identified as the suspect in this sexual attack case. Despite his portrayal on social media as a loving father and partner the alleged actions he committed are truly reprehensible and alarming.
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Lassoed and Assaulted: Shocking Details of NYC Sexual Attack Go Viral – Suspect Identified (PHOTO: NBC New York)
Raising Awareness and Supporting Survivors – Combating Sexual Assault in New York City
Someone got hurt but at first, they didn’t tell the police. Later, they helped the police after getting into trouble for something else. This helped catch Parks as the person who did it. The video of the sexual attack got popular online and showed how scary it was. The police think Parks did it because they argued about paying for sex, and then he got violent. This bad thing adds to the many other sexual attack assaults happening in New York City. Even though fewer rapes were reported in the Bronx than last year, each one reminds us we need to talk about it, help survivors, and punish the people who do these things. We all need to work together to stop violence and make our communities safer.
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