3 Easy Steps Eclipse Eyecare Reassurance
Minor Eyecare Concerns
According to NHPR, as many Americans enjoyed watching a total solar eclipse, some started worrying about hurting their eyes. But experts say most people are probably okay. During the 2017 eclipse, around 150 million Americans watched it and only a few had eye problems, according to Ralph Chou who knows a lot about 3 easy steps of keeping eyes safe during eclipses.
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3 Easy Steps to Safeguard Your Eyes During an Eclipse. (PHOTO: Allina Health)
3 Easy Steps Natural Eye Protection During Eclipses
The sun is very bright so our eyes naturally protect themselves. It’s tough to hurt our eyes by looking at the sun during an eclipse because it makes us uncomfortable and our eyes tear up. If someone does hurt their eyes, they might see blurry spots later, but it usually gets better. Some clinics offer free eye checks after an eclipse to make sure people are okay. It’s smart to get regular eye exams, not just after an eclipse to stay healthy.