Austin’s guaranteed income program will help people get money.

Guaranteed income program of texas. (PHOTO: Fox News)
According to FOX News finance report, in 2022 the Austin City Council tried something new to deal with housing problems. They started a guaranteed income program that gave people extra money and was paid for by taxes. With $1.1 million in taxes and over $500,000 in gifts, they gave each of the 85 people who were about to lose their homes $1,000 a month. Austin was the first big city in Texas to try it. When the guaranteed income program ended in August 2023, the Urban Institute said it worked. The money made a big difference because most people used it to pay for rent. The study said that people still worked and spent their free time with family or learning. The study showed that having more money makes life better for many families.
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There Are Legal Problems
Houston also wants something like this, but it’s not clear if it’s allowed. The Texas Attorney General was asked by Sen. Paul Bettencourt if giving this money goes against the Texas Constitution. This fight will decide if other towns can help people with extra money, which could have an effect on Texas and the whole country.
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