UB Scientist Gets $3.4 Million to Study How Parents Affect Babies’ Health from the Start
A scientist at UB gets $3.4 million to look into why babies are born differently.
For an important study, according to UB Now, a scientist at the University of Buffalo was given a big grant of $3.4 million. To find out why babies have different starts in life, the study looks at how parents’ emotions and money affect this.
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Taking a look at how babies grow
It will look at a very important event that takes place before kids are born. It will be about 850 expected women that Lina Mu and her team study. Many of them are black or Latinx. From the time the moms are pregnant until the babies are a year old, they want to see how these moms and babies do. This will help them understand why some kids may have more problems from the start.
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Work together to improve the lives of babies
Lina Mu is not doing this by herself; she has a group of experts from UB and another group called the Buffalo Prenatal and Perinatal Network working with her. All of them want to know why some kids have more issues right away. When they ask pregnant women to join in the spring, the study will start to find answers. We all hope that working together will help us find better ways to keep kids healthy from the start.