London police have arrested two men for allegedly stealing Banksy’s latest artwork just an hour after its confirmation on Friday.

An artwork by Banksy depicting what appears to be three drones on a traffic stop sign is taken down. It was installed on Friday at the crossroads of Southampton Way and Commercial Way in Peckham, southeast London. (Source: Aaron Chown/PA via AP)
Bold Heist in Broad Daylight
The piece in the Peckham section of south London depicted three military drones placed on a red stop sign. The theft occurred in broad daylight, with a man using bolt cutters to remove the sign while witnesses captured the incident on camera. Banksy, known for his thought-provoking street art, posted a picture of the stolen sign on Instagram, leading to speculations about its potential fate, considering the high value of some of his works.
One onlooker named Alex described witnessing the incident, where a man initially attempted to remove the sign using his hands, prompting confusion among observers. Eventually, the thief returned with bolt cutters, accompanied by another man who stabilized a rental bike for a quick getaway. The bystanders were left bemused, and the theft occurred amid car horns honking. The incident highlighted the vulnerability of street art in public spaces, especially when created by renowned artists like Banksy.
With prompt action, London police arrested a guy in his 20s on suspicion of stealing and criminal damage on Saturday. Later, he was freed on bond. A second suspect, a man in his 40s, was subsequently arrested on Sunday on suspicion of stealing and causing criminal damage. Many of Banksy’s Instagram followers saw the stolen artwork as a potential call for a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, demonstrating the influence and interpretation of his works beyond the actual act of theft. Banksy frequently conveys political messages through his art.
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