Adkins Pleads Guilty to Kidnapping-Child Enticement and Assault Charges.
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Denny Lee Adkins pleads guilty to assaulting woman in Niles. (PHOTO: WKBN)
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Accoridng to The Aplen News, Noah Adkins, who was 18 years old at the time, pleaded guilty in Alpena County to taking a child and attacking with the intent to cause serious physical damage, less than murder. The story is not very happy. Adkins had initially faced assault or assault and battery charges, but Cynthia Muszynski’s prosecution discovered that the more serious assault charge had prevailed. The prosecutors found out about this. It was May 10th when Adkins tried to take an eight-year-old girl hostage and beat her up. Things went wrong in Alpena Township. But the victim was able to get away with the help of her thirteen-year-old brother. Adkins admitted to the cops that he had meant to do the victim a lot of harm after they caught him. Eldred Black, a judge in the 26th Circuit Court, is now looking over the papers and thinking about Adkins’ mental tests. At this point, Adkins is just waiting for the punishment to happen. There will be a review of the phrase at a later time.