Esteemed scientists are skeptical about the proposed discovery of the first exomoon.

First-Ever Exomoon (Photo: Exoplanet Exploration)
Astronomers Skeptical of First Detected Exomoon in New Research
According to Eurek Alert, a new discovery of the first exomoon has raised doubts stating that the exomoon is a “planet-only,” which was stated to be a more conclusive interpretation.
The new research that was recently published by a duo of scientists channeling Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars: A New Hope proposed the detection of two moons orbiting planets outside our solar system. In short, duo scientists weren’t sure if humanity’s first-ever exomoon detections were accurate.
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The First-Ever Exomoon Spotted in 2018
SPACE reports that the first-ever exomoon was spotted around the planet Kepler-1625b in 2018, a Jupiter-like world located around 8000 light years away from Earth. Moreover, another exomoon was spotted in 2022 which was seen orbiting near Kepler-1708b. The exoplanet, Kepler-1708b was just found in 2021, a year before the second exomoon was spotted.
For over 5,000 known exoplanets, two exomoons had been found. However, esteemed scientists are now in doubt about the said detections as the exomoons are said to be smaller in size than the exoplanets. Thus, they should be tougher to find.
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