After a multi-hour police chase through Los Angeles County Saturday night concluded in a 405 Freeway traffic congestion, two persons were arrested.

A more than hour-long police chase through Los Angeles County stopped after the vehicle became stuck in traffic due to a freeway accident. (Source: Fox11)
Police Chase up to 100 mph Speed of Persons under DUI
The police chase began at 10 p.m. in Bell. According to police, the motorist was sought for DUI. The California Highway Patrol pursued the driver on the interstate. SkyFOX found them near downtown Los Angeles, near the 10 Freeway that was closed for a week due to a large fire. The driver led officers at over 100 mph, changing freeways many times. Despite police claiming the motorist was wanted for DUI, he was able to make high-speed lane changes on the interstate and generally drove regularly. The driver left downtown and went east through East LA and the San Gabriel Valley before taking the 605 Freeway south and 405 north. The pursuit ended there.
A crash ahead produced a huge traffic delay as the chase approached Inglewood, forcing the vehicle to stop. Two CHP cruisers penned in the vehicle, so officers stepped out and ordered him out. Two people were arrested on the expressway after getting out of the automobile. Police then pulled the automobile over on the roadside.
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