According to PBS News Hour, nearly half of Americans, mainly Republicans, feel the U.S. is overspending on Ukraine aid, according to a study by The Associated Press-NORC Center. This sentiment is influencing conservative GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill, who are increasingly opposed to President Joe Biden’s push for more aid to Ukraine. Critics argue that the funds could be better used to address domestic issues.
A recent AP-NORC poll found that opposition to U.S. spending on Ukraine went from 52% to 45%. This was mostly due to a change in Republican opinion. Even so, conservative GOP members are still firmly against sending more aid to Ukraine, citing the importance of focusing on issues at home. Support for President Biden’s emergency spending plan is being pushed by the White House. This plan includes more than $61 billion for the Ukraine war. That is why Congress has turned down two requests for more help. Republicans in the Senate are working on a bill that would help Ukraine and make border controls stricter. The House is still unclear because Speaker Mike Johnson is meeting resistance from the GOP to continue to back Kyiv.
More than half of Americans (53%) of both parties are very worried about Russia’s power as a clear threat to the U.S., according to a new study by AP-NORC and Pearson. Democrats are more likely to think that Ukraine shares their views and wants to help them more. 48% of people think Ukraine should get weapons, while 54% of Democrats and 24% of Republicans think Ukraine should get direct financial help. The study also shows that people’s views on U.S. activity in the world are changing, with 45% calling for a less involved role. With a range of error of +/- 3.9 percentage points, the poll was taken from November 2–6, 2023.