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Solving The Riemann Hypothesis Will Let You Earn $1 Million

$1,000,000 by solving Millennium Problems (Source: Unilad)

German mathematician Bernhard Riemann initially put forth the Riemann hypothesis in his 1859 work titled “Ueber die Anzahl der Primzahlen unter einer gegebenen Grösse” (English translation: “On the Number of Prime Numbers Less Than a Given Quantity”). Several problems will let your mind exercise its potential by solving problems and earning at the same time.

German mathematician Bernhard Riemann first theorized this formula. Credit: (Source: Wikimedia Commons/Public domain)

10,000,000,000,000 Solutions of The Riemann Hypothesis

Simply said, it all comes down to the distribution of prime numbers. The prime number theorem provides the average distribution of the primes, and the Riemann hypothesis teaches us about the deviation from the mean, to use the excellent words of the Clay Mathematics Institute.

It states that all of the zeta function’s “non-obvious” zeros are complex numbers with a real portion of 1/2, as stated in Riemann’s 1859 work. It is commonly referred to as the “Holy Grail of Mathematics” because, if solved, it would have profound effects on number theory and encryption. It’s easy to lose focus when discussing prime numbers and encryption, but what if we told you that cracking the notoriously difficult equation will earn you a cool $1 million?

The Riemann Hypothesis has been verified for the first 10,000,000,000,000 solutions, according to the Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts, which picked the mathematical conjecture as one of seven Millennium Problems in 2000. Many of the riddles surrounding the distribution of prime numbers would be clarified by a demonstration that it is true for all interesting solutions.

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Prepare your Calculator to Solve The Seven Millennium Problems of The Riemann Hypothesis

It would be worthwhile to get your calculator out if you can solve one of these seven Millennium Problems because doing so will earn you a nice $1 million. The foundation of all other numbers, according to mathematician, comedian, and former teacher Matt Parker, is why experts are “obsessed with primes.” “Prime numbers are like atoms in chemistry, bricks in construction, and ridiculous pay cheques in professional football,” he declared.

Everything is composed of these fundamental parts, and by closely examining the components that anything is formed of, you can determine its integrity. The prime factors of a number, such as 63, which is 3 x 3 x 7, can be used to explore how that number behaves. Primes are as straightforward as numbers can be because they lack variables.

In addition, he gave others a hint by stating that all prime numbers (greater than five) squared are one greater than a multiple of 24. You can even demonstrate that it works for all of the infinite number of primes if you test it for a handful. “Now if you can just do that for the Zeta zeroes, you can stop kicking a football around outside in the cold in hopes of a big payday.”

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