A shocking and bizarre kidnapping attempt unfolded in Temecula, California, where Erin Quinn, a local resident, was tased multiple times in her own car by a disguised attacker whom she later identified as her former housekeeper, Olga Mendez.
The Ordeal
The incident began on December 18 when Quinn, involved in a Christmas toy drive, received a text from an unknown number claiming to be an elderly woman named “Connie” offering toy donations. Upon arriving at the provided address, Quinn rang the doorbell but received no response. She returned to her car after a follow-up text instructed her to wait inside.
Unbeknownst to her, the attacker was already waiting in her vehicle. “I had no idea someone was waiting for me, ready to attack and taser me in the head’ Quinn shared on a GoFundMe page.
A fight for survival
Quinn was tased repeatedly over 30 times in the head during the assault, with one tase lasting nearly a minute. Despite the violent attack, she fought back fiercely, biting off part of her assailant’s finger in self-defense.
As the vehicle crashed, Quinn managed to remove the attacker’s wig, revealing her identity as 44-year-old Olga Mendez, her former housekeeper, whom she had not seen in nine months. Quinn later speculated that the intent may have been to kidnap her and transport her to Mexico for ransom or other purposes.
Intervention and arrest
A passerby intervened, prompting Mendez to flee. Police gathered crucial evidence at the scene, including a taser, the wig, and the severed finger. Ten days later, Mendez was arrested in Paramount. She faces charges of kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon, criminal threats, and additional unrelated warrants.
Community response and ongoing investigation
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department confirmed the case was initially treated as a domestic dispute but was quickly classified as a kidnapping attempt. Quinn was treated for non-life-threatening injuries at a local hospital. The case has left the community shaken, highlighting the importance of caution when interacting with unknown contacts or unfamiliar situations.