A mysterious night in Georgia
In 1969, in the small town of Leary, Georgia, future president Jimmy Carter had an experience that would shape his views on unexplained aerial phenomena. While waiting for a meeting, Jimmy Carter spotted what he later described as a glowing, shape-shifting object in the sky. The event, which he reported in detail, remains one of the most notable UFO sightings linked to a U.S. president.
In a 1973 account, Jimmy Carter described the phenomenon as luminous and dynamic. “It seemed to move toward us from a distance, stopped, moved partially away, returned, then departed. Bluish at first, then reddish, luminous, not solid,” he wrote. The sighting reportedly lasted 10–12 minutes and occurred at 7:15 p.m., with the object hovering about 30 degrees above the horizon.
Jimmy Carter also noted the UFO’s changing appearance, stating that it varied in size and brightness. “It was about the same as the moon, maybe a little smaller,” he observed.
Dismissing Venus and military theories
Despite skeptics suggesting the sighting might have been Venus, Carter rejected the idea. Speaking in a 2007 interview on The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe, he said, “I’m thoroughly familiar with Venus,” citing his background as an amateur astronomer.
He also considered the possibility that the object was linked to nearby Fort Benning, a military base, but admitted, “I’ve never been able to assess exactly what it might’ve been.”
A presidential pledge
During his 1976 presidential campaign, Carter told the National Enquirer that he would declassify all government-held UFO information if elected. “If I become president, I’ll make every piece of information that this country has about UFO sightings available to the public,” he promised.
However, once in office, Jimmy Carter avoided delving deeply into the topic. When asked whether the government was hiding information on UFOs, he responded cautiously: “So far as I know, they’re not hiding information.”
Legacy of curiosity
Jimmy Carter’s passing at the age of 100 has renewed interest in his UFO encounter and the promise he made to uncover the truth. While he never fully explained what he saw that evening in Georgia, his sighting has become a key part of UFO lore and presidential history.
Carter’s story continues to fuel curiosity about UFOs, with many wondering if the truth he sought remains out there, waiting to be uncovered.