In Columbia, South Carolina, a five-pound emaciated dog dubbed Benson needed immediate emergency help after he was found as a stray. When he arrived at the local shelter on Friday his coat was severely matted and soaked from his own urine. It was hard to even imagine this dog was only two-years-old.

Rural shelters do not have funding to help pets in need of specific or advanced medical care. Benson would have to be humanely euthanized because of his medical issues, but there was still hope. Staff at the shelter reached out to Rescue Dogs Rock NYC, and the organization immediately stepped forward.

Benson was transferred to the rescue organization’s partner veterinarian hospital.
Age: 2yMedical:
Severe emaciation-Severe matting, urine soaked fur, urine scald, and severe pododermatitis secondary to chronic urine exposure-Pyoderma-Overgrown nails-Right eye ulceration, chronic-Left eye rupture, chronic-Hypocalcemia-Hypoalbuminemia-Low amylase and lipase-Leukocytosis with neutrophilia and monocytosis with eosinopenia-Retained canines.
Benson has an uphill battle to recovery, and everyone has been so heartbroken about his condition, butt he’s a fighter. One day later, he was already chowing down. Check this out:
By Sunday, Benson was moving around, but everyone’s heart broke again. Note how unsteady he is and falling over. His back legs are very weak. He likely lived most of his life locked in a crate.
No one is giving up on Benson, and we will check back on his progress.

Please help to support Benson’s care:
Please donate & help us save Benson…
or checks to:
Rescue Dogs Rock NYC
PO Box 101
New York, NY 10028
Venmo: @rescuedogsrocknyCashApp
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