It’s a lovely day. Why not treat it like you’re playing a game of Grand Theft Auto?
A man in New York is in hot water after going on a crime spree at a hospital. He started by stealing a car from a Utica hospital by impersonating a valet. However, he didn’t stop there. Instead, he chose to start a fire at a nearby gas station and grab a snack before police caught up with him.
A man from Schenectady, New York, posed as a valet to snag the keys of a car from a hospital and hit the town
Alright, let’s face it. When you visit a hospital and hand over your keys to their valet staff, you likely aren’t too concerned with your car. After all, it’s a hospital. Literal matters of life and death frequent its halls. However, a woman visiting the Wynn Hospital in Utica, New York was shocked to discover that a man had posed as a valet to steal her car.
48-year-old Aaron Jones, a Schenectady man, took the woman’s keys. You know, like a valet driver would do under normal circumstances. However, she returned to learn that Jones wasn’t a part of Wynn Hospital’s valet staff and her car was the victim of a car theft.
However, the sticky-fingered impersonator was far from finished. Police responded to an Atlas fuel station for an early-morning vandalism and arson call. The New York man had damaged the gas station’s front doors and started a “fire in the service area,” per WKTV.
Jones, undoubtedly famished from his illegal activities, entered the store at the fuel station and loaded up on snacks. Police charged Jones with burglary, arson, and criminal mischief. However, authorities charged Jones with “unauthorized use of a motor vehicle” rather than grand theft auto (GTA). It’s unclear what condition the stolen vehicle was in at the end of Jones’ crime spree.