A 31-year-old son, Steven James Uricchio, brutally murdered his 83-year-old father, Marc Uricchio, in their home in Ridgefield, Connecticut leaving the community in shock and police continuing to investigate the motives behind the gruesome crime.
Son’s Brutal Attack on Elderly Father Leaves Community in Shock
According to the report of True Crime News, a terrible murder has happened in Ridgefield, Connecticut. The victim, 83-year-old Marc Uricchio was found dead and hurt badly in his home. The person who hurt him is Marc’s own son, 31-year-old Steven James Uricchio. Steven told police that he “murdered him really, really badly”.
Police found that Marc was hurt very badly. Some of his organs were even outside of his body. A bloody knife was found at the scene and there was blood on the walls and stairs. Steven’s lawyer said that Steven has a history of mental health problems and is worried about him.
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Son’s Brutal Murder of Elderly Father Shocks Community, Investigation Continues
Steven went to court on Monday. His lawyer asked for a special test to see if Steven is able to stand trial. The judge set a high amount of money for Steven’s bail and said he has to stay in jail. The community is very shocked and upset about the murder. The police are still investigating to figure out what happened and why.