To get California unemployment money, you must follow EDD’s rules, like earning enough and being out of work for reasons you can’t control but if you quit you need a good reason accepted by EDD, such as safety concerns or a doctor’s advice, or you won’t get benefits.
Understanding EDD‘s Guidelines for Qualifying for California Unemployment Benefits
According to the Sacramento Bee, to get California unemployment money, you need to meet certain rules set by the Employment Development Department (EDD). You should have earned enough money during a certain time and be out of work because of things you can’t control like getting laid off or having fewer hours. Also, you must be able to work and ready to take a job if it’s offered to you.
But if you quit your job on your own, things get trickier. The EDD needs a good reason for why you quit. They’ll ask you and your old boss questions to find out if you had a good reason. Good reasons could be things like your job being unsafe, a doctor telling you to quit, or needing to protect yourself or your family from harm. If you can’t prove you had a good reason, you won’t get California unemployment money from the state.
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Understanding California Unemployment Benefits: Requirements for Voluntary Quit and Eligibility Criteria! (PHOTO:
Importance of Demonstrating Valid Reasons for Quitting to Secure California Unemployment Benefits
Furthermore, they’ll talk to you and your old boss on the phone to see if you have a good reason to quit. They’ll ask if you tried hard to keep your job and if quitting was needed. If you can’t prove you had a good reason you won’t get California unemployment money, so it’s important to know and follow the EDD‘s rules.
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