Deadline Approaching: Unclaimed Tax Refunds from 2020 Await Iowans
IRS Urges Prompt Action: May 17th Deadline Looms for Claiming Refunds
According to KLGA HomeTown Radio as tax time nears its end Iowans are reminded that some still haven’t gotten their tax refunds from 2020. IRS spokesperson Christopher Miller says there’s a lot of money waiting for its rightful owners. The deadline to get these tax refunds is May 17th which is a bit later than usual because of the pandemic.
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The Des Moines Register)2020 Tax Refunds of Iowa Residents Urged to Claim by May 17th Deadline
IRS Stresses Urgency: Iowans Urged to Claim Unclaimed Refunds from 2020 Before Deadline
Miller says there are many reasons why people might not have filed their taxes in 2020. The pandemic caused a lot of problems making it hard for some to deal with taxes. He also mentions that many people with low or moderate incomes could get extra money from the Earned Income Tax Credit for 2020. With the deadline approaching the IRS wants to make sure everyone gets their money before it’s too late. They’re telling Iowans to check if they have any unclaimed refunds from 2020. It’s important to act fast and not miss out on what’s rightfully yours.
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