Last Tuesday, the Missouri Senate Democrats ended their discussion of a bill that seeks to expand the K-12 tax-credit scholarship program of the state.

Private School Tax Credit Bill By The Missouri Senate Will Boost Funding For Public Schools (Photo: Missouri Independent)
Missouri Senate passes education funding bill
The Missouri Senate is going to let the law come to a vote after Republicans added provisions increasing public school funding and teacher salaries
The bill receiving first-round approval by a 20-13 vote in the Senate Tuesday evening is the second version to come to the floor this week. The original 12-page bill ballooned to 76 pages before expanding to 153 pages Tuesday after negotiations.
The bill would additionally increase the amount awarded to those with limited English proficiency, those who qualify for free or reduced lunch, and students with individualized education plans.
The Missouri Senate bill will expand Tax Credits for schools
The Missouri Senate bill seeks to raise the cap to $75 million, with an adjustment tied to the percent increase or decrease in the amount of state aid distributed to school districts.
The Missouri Senate bill changes include incentives for school districts in charter counties or cities with 30,000 or more residents to have instruction five days a week, changes to the state formula that government funds public schools, and boosting the minimum teacher salary to $40,000.
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