The weather on Monday could affect Iowa Caucuses voter turnout, especially among older voters. If elderly voters remain home due to bad weather, younger voters may influence the caucus results more.

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Younger Iowans Take Center Stage: De Jager Sisters and Generation Z Make Debut in Influential Caucus
The De Jager sisters from northwest Iowa are among the younger Iowans who are participating in their first caucus. Both want their opinions heard in politics, albeit considering different candidates. The magnetism of Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump attracts Dordt University sophomore Megan De Jager. Her concerns about the national debt, taxation, and Social Security’s future emphasize the necessity for the younger generation to navigate the issues ahead.
Megan’s younger sister, Gracia De Jager, confesses she’s not political but wants to join the caucus for the first time. While favoring DeSantis and Ramaswamy, Gracia prioritizes the economy, especially middle-class issues. She emphasizes the economic disparity between her parents’ Trump administration experiences.
Generation Z is more politically engaged than prior generations at a similar age, according to Iowa State University political science professor Dave Peterson. He observes that their involvement percentages remain lower than the general population. Peterson claims that younger people are less party loyal but more ideological, polarizing along ideological lines.
Youthful Influence: Peterson Foresees Gen Z Impact on Iowa Caucuses
Peterson thinks that younger voters may impact caucus results if they support Vivek Ramaswamy. Ramaswamy’s campaign plan targets non-traditional voters, who may be underrepresented in surveys, which may boost his results.
Peterson notes that younger voters strongly support Donald Trump, which could boost his caucus performance. The characteristics of this involvement suggest younger voters are ideologically oriented beyond party memberships.
The 2024 Iowa Caucuses may be affected by politically engaged Generation Z, navigating their preferences and ideologies, with ramifications for both current and developing political personalities. The unexpected impact of weather on voter participation makes Iowa politics exciting.