There have been eleven confirmed dengue cases in Florida, raising concerns about the sickness spread by mosquitoes. The Florida Department of Health announced that Broward County had two cases and Miami-Dade had nine cases.

Dengue Outbreak in Florida (Photo: Crain’s New York Business)
Dengue Cases in Florida and Its Symptoms
According to CNN Health, a viral infection called dengue is most frequently found in tropical and subtropical regions, as well as in urban or semi-urban settings. Female Aedes mosquitoes that have bitten a person who is infected with the virus carry it to other people.
Fever is the most prevalent symptom of dengue Cases in Florida, but other ones include nausea, vomiting, rash, and aches and pains, usually behind the eyes or in the muscles, joints, or bones.
The World Health Organization has determined that the dengue cases in Florida are caused by four different virus strains or serotypes. Once a person contract one of the strains, they cannot contract it again. However, the more distinct strains of an infection a person has, the greater the likelihood that they will develop a serious illness.
Less frequently, 1 in 20 persons will have severe dengue. However, the current dengue cases in Florida are more concerning due to their symptoms. Shock, internal bleeding, and even death might result from it. According to the CDC, severe dengue affects over 100 million people worldwide each year, killing 40,000 of them.
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Vaccine and Treatment for Dengue Cases in Florida
The dengue virus cannot be spread by eating and drinking together or by sharing utensils. By avoiding mosquito bites by dressing in long sleeves and pants, and utilizing mosquito nets, window screens, and repellents, you can avoid the current Dengue cases in Florida and prevent infections.
Moreover, there is no particular drug that can be used to treat dengue fever. The best way to treat the fever because of Dengue Cases in Florida is at home using painkillers like acetaminophen to relieve symptoms.
The United States has only authorized one dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia, which is made by the pharmaceutical behemoth Sanofi Pasteur in Paris. Drug Enforcement Agency. Only kids aged 9 to 16 who have previously had a lab-confirmed dengue infection are eligible for it. If children receive the vaccine without having already contracted dengue, they are more likely to require hospitalization and develop severe dengue.
Two more dengue vaccine candidates are either being tested or have received licensing in other nations that may be used for the ongoing Dengue cases in Florida.