Former Philly Proud Boys leader Zachary Rehl was convicted of seditious conspiracy.

30-Year Prison Sentence Will Receive by Zachary Rehl(Photo:Texas Monthly)
According to a recent Philly Voice report, Zachary Rehl, the former leader of the Philadelphia chapter of the far-right extremist group the Proud Boys, will receive 30-year prison sentence for his role in the January 6 attack on the United States Capitol.
In addition to the 30-year prison sentence for Rehl, Feds urged the United States District Court of Washington, D.C. to convict former Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio and major Proud Boys organizer Joseph Briggs to 33 years in jail. Rehl, who will receive 30-year prison sentence was captured two months after at his Port Richmond house after leading more than 100 followers in an attack last January 06, 2021 on the United States Capitol.
Last January 6, the United States Capitol was attacked which murdered seven people and injured more than 150. Zachary Rehl, along with Tarrio, Briggs, Ethan Nordean, and Dominic Pezzola, was found guilty of seditious conspiracy in May and will receive 30-year prison sentence.
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Prosecutors said that Rehl and other neofacist leaders role played in organizing the January 06, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol “threatened the bedrock principles of our country”.
According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, as the leader of the Proud Boys’ Philadelphia chapter, Rehl, who will receive 30-year prison sentence, said he led a more disciplined and politically focused organization than some other chapters, which had garnered notoriety for street brawls with counter-protesters in instances preceding the Jan. 6 attack.
Rehl, who will receive 30-year prison sentence, has spent the majority of the last two and a half years in solitary confinement awaiting trial. He missed the birth of his second child and his first child’s high school graduation while imprisoned. His military disability benefits, which had supported his family, were withheld as a result of his conviction.