Astronomers have revealed that the clouds on Neptune are gradually fading from 1994 to 2022 and the sun played a big part in it.

Clouds on Neptune had a drastic change (Photo:
Studies Revealed Clouds on Neptune Vanished
SPACE reports that 3 decades of data revealed a piece of surprising news about the clouds on Neptune. Astronomers stated that the azure clouds on Neptune have all unhurriedly disappeared from 1994 to the current year.
In the statements of the scientists who studied the clouds on Neptune, it is likely the sun’s fault that the clouds on Neptune have disappeared. Imke de Pater, a professor of astronomy at the University of California, along with other esteemed astronomers revealed that over 11 years, the sun has exerted tension on the stars and planets causing the clouds on Neptune to gradually disappear.
Clouds on Neptune Started to Fade in 2019
According to an article from Interesting Engineering, astronomers took noticed that the clouds on Neptune began to disappear in 2019. They stated that even after four years, the clouds on Neptune, have not returned to their original azure clouds.
Erandi Chavez, a graduate student at Harvard University’s Center of Astrophysics, expressed his excitement at this unexpected dramatic change as heretofore the clouds on Neptune never had this kind of change transpiring.