Excise taxation in Livermore has consistently remained at $375,000 for years. However, Livermore increased excise tax this year to $400,000 to determine the tax commitment.

Livermore Increased Excise Tax (Photo: Zillow)
Livermore Increased Excise Tax
According to LFA, Livermore increased excise tax by consensus on Tuesday night. Selectpersons reached an agreement that the excise tax revenue must increase from $375,000 to $400,000 when determining the tax commitment.
The Selectperson Scott Richmond stated that the number of excise taxes has been increasing from $300,000 to 375,000 and stayed there for several years.
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Livermore Increased Excise Tax With No Other Choice
According to the same publisher, Livermore increased excise tax as there are no other options. Everything is getting expensive such as cars. Additionally, new business and old business needs to be discussed with the state.
The voting that will occur in two months would be about the new business, Federal Road near the turn onto Water Hill Road, and the old business, Brettuns Beach.
According to the Select Board, they will have a town vote about this matter that will transpire in September and agreed that the Town Office will be closed on September 21. Two of the Town Office Staff are said to be in Augusta to attend an all-day training class about the voting.
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