The US’s hostile approach toward Beijing has been criticized by the Chinese Foreign Minister, who claims that Washington’s actions expose the fact that it is now the main cause of instability.

(Source: The Manila Times Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi)
US Criticized by Chinese Foreign Minister
Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi asserted on Friday that Washington’s support for Taiwanese separatists was disregarding China’s warnings and its trade and investment sanctions on the Asian country. According to the South China Morning Post, it condones and supports the Taiwan independence forces relying on the United States to seek independence, trying to cross China’s red lines.
On the other hand, he added at a meeting with Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong while traveling around Southeast Asia, it will shatter the illusion of fair competition and force other nations to enact unilateral protectionism against China. Such behavior will only damage Washington’s credibility and demonstrate to the rest of the globe that the US has turned into the primary cause of world unrest.
The diplomat stated that even though China’s development will benefit all nations, especially its neighbors, and present several opportunities, the US is hostile to it. “The United States is unwilling to see the development and revitalization of China and other emerging countries,” Wang claimed, citing its desire to maintain unipolar hegemony.
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US Breaking the WTO Regulations
After fresh limitations were put in place by Washington on American investments in sensitive technologies in China the day before, the remarks further strained relations between the two nations. The US claimed that the investments advance the sensitive technologies necessary for Chinese military modernization. The move, according to the Chinese embassy in the US, will substantially impede the interests of Chinese and American investors and firms, and the country is very disappointed about it. China, however, criticized the US for routinely flouting WTO regulations and harming the interests of other WTO members.
In a report on the US compliance with its commitments as a member of the World Trade Organization that was released on Friday, China’s Ministry of Commerce accused the US of repeatedly breaking the organization’s regulations over the years.
The US was charged in the report for pursuing an “America First” policy since 2017 at the expense of other nations and the fundamental ideals and tenets of the WTO.
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