A health worker who stole money from an elderly man with dementia has been arrested.

Georgia health care worker stole money from the patient. (Photo: iStock)
Health Care Worker Stole Money
According to the news report from Fox News, a health care worker from Georgia allegedly stole money from a 77-year-old patient. The officer stated that the health care worker who stole money had been reported and investigated since May.
According to Fox5, Ben Naas, the alleged victim’s son, the health care worker would take advantage of his father’s dementia. She would use the voice of the victim so she could get into his bank account.
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Health Care Worker Who Stole Money Has Been Arrested
According to the news from Yahoo, the health worker who stole money from the patient was arrested on Wednesday. She was revealed as Michelle Mitchell, a 48-year-old woman. The detectives also said that the money she stole from the older man was allegedly used to pay for her rent and jewelry.
The detectives added from their initial statement that their investigation is not over, and she may face more charges. The victim’s son, Naas, believed that the health care worker may have also stolen from other people, and many of her victims may have been out there.
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