Next week, Virginians who get monthly benefits through the food stamps program will start receiving the amounts for the month of August.

SNAP (Source: NBC12)
SNAP Benefits are Ready for Distribution
Beneficiaries in Virginia will receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program from the first through the seventh day of each month, with the first wave of August benefits being distributed starting on August 1, as published by the Washington Examiner.
In Virginia, each household member receives an average SNAP benefit of $181. Around 794,600 people, or about 9% of the total population, receive assistance with their food costs through SNAP. SNAP funds may be used at participating retailers to buy “food or food products meant to be eaten by people,” in addition to seeds and plants that produce food.
The following are considered ineligible for the food stamps program: nonfood items, alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, gardening supplies, cleaning supplies, paper products, pet food, and hot cooked foods. The case number determines how the SNAP payments are distributed. A case number ending in 0-3 will receive benefits on August 1, a case number ending in 4-5 will receive benefits on August 4, and a case number ending in 6-9 will receive benefits on August 7.
Food stamp eligibility in Virginia is capped at $2,265 per month for households of one, while SNAP eligibility is capped at $5,412 per month for households of five. The state’s website has more details on SNAP eligibility and how to use the benefits.
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